Understanding Load Capacity and Its Importance in Spring Selection


Select Your Spring Type







Select Your Unit of Measurement

Wire Diameter

Wire Diameter

Outer Diameter

Outer Diameter

Free Length

Free Length

Total Coils

Total Coils

Material Type

Material Type


End Types


Wind Direction

Wire Diameter

Wire Diameter

Outer Diameter

Outer Diameter

Length Inside Hooks

Length Inside Hooks

Material Type

Material Type

Hook Types

Hook Types

Wire Diameter

Wire Diameter

Outer Diameter

Outer Diameter

Leg Length 1

Leg Length 1

Leg Length 2

Leg Length 2

Active Coils

Active Coils

Material Type

Material Type

Wind Direction

Wind Direction

    Table of Content

    Why Is Understanding Spring Load Capacity Essential in Spring Design and Selection?

    When designing or selecting springs for any application, understanding the concept of load capacity is not just crucial—it's foundational to ensure the reliability and functionality of your entire project. Springs are ubiquitous in both everyday items and complex machinery, serving essential functions such as absorbing shocks, maintaining tension, and supporting loads. However, the failure to properly account for spring load capacity can lead to catastrophic consequences, including system failure, safety hazards, and costly downtime. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer working on high-stakes projects or a DIY enthusiast looking to optimize a home project, knowing how to calculate and select the right spring load capacity can be the deciding factor between success and failure. This technical guide is designed to clarify the concept of spring load capacity, provide step-by-step instructions on how to calculate it, and explain why it's an indispensable part of your spring selection process.

    What is Spring Load Capacity?

    Spring Load capacity, in the context of spring design and selection, refers to the maximum force a spring can endure without undergoing permanent deformation or failure. Springs are elastic mechanical devices that store and release energy when subjected to forces such as compression, tension, or torsion. The internal force a spring exerts in response to an applied load is governed by Hooke’s Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is proportional to its displacement from its resting position: F=k×x, where F represents the force, k is the spring constant (or stiffness), and x is the distance of travel displacement.

    The Importance of Spring Load Capacity in Spring Design

    Selecting a spring with the appropriate load capacity is not just a technical requirement; it's a critical aspect of the overall design strategy that will influence the durability, safety, and performance of the final product. A spring that is too weak for its intended application may not only fail under load but can also cause damage to surrounding components, leading to unanticipated repair costs and downtime. Conversely, a spring that is overly strong may introduce unnecessary stiffness into the system, potentially affecting the smooth operation of the mechanism and leading to inefficiencies.

    Overloading a spring—subjecting it to forces greater than its calculated load capacity—can cause it to lose its elastic properties, leading to a condition known as elastic deformation or spring setting. When a spring deforms elastically, it can no longer return to its original shape, which renders it useless for its intended purpose. This situation can be particularly hazardous in applications where precise force and motion control are required, such as medical devices or aerospace components. Furthermore, the failure of a spring can lead to secondary damage in the system, potentially causing cascading failures in mechanical or structural components.

    Underloading, while less immediately catastrophic, can also lead to suboptimal performance. A spring that is significantly stronger than necessary may not compress or extend as intended, resulting in a system that is less responsive or overly stiff. This can lead to a poor user experience, reduced efficiency, and even premature wear on other components. Therefore, it is imperative to carefully calculate and select a spring with a load capacity that matches the specific requirements of your application. Doing so ensures that the spring will perform reliably under all expected conditions, providing the desired balance of strength, flexibility, and durability.

    How to Calculate Load Capacity

    Calculating the load capacity of a springinvolves a careful analysis of several factors, including the spring’s material properties, geometric dimensions, and the nature of the load it will bear. Accurate calculation is essential to ensure that the spring will perform as intended under the specified conditions. The following steps provide a comprehensive guide for calculating the load capacity of common types of springs, such as compression, tension, and torsion springs.

    1. Determine the Spring rate (k)

    The spring rate, also known as spring constant, is a key parameter that determines how much force is required to compress or extend the spring by a specific distance. The spring rate is influenced by the material of the spring, the wire diameter, the mean coil diameter, and the number of active coils. The spring constant is essential in determining how the spring will behave under load, as it directly affects the amount of force needed to achieve a certain displacement.

    For a compression spring, which is one of the most common types of springs, the spring constant can be calculated using the formula:

     k = Gd^4 ÷ (8D^3 * n)


    • k = Spring constant (lb/in)

    • d = Wire diameter (inches)

    • G = Shear modulus of the material (psi)

    • D = Mean coil diameter (inches)

    • N = Number of active coils

    The wire diameter d is a critical factor in determining the stiffness of the spring; thicker wires generally result in stiffer springs. The shear modulus G, which is a property of the material, represents the material's ability to resist shear stress. Common spring materials like music wire, stainless steel, and phosphor bronze have different shear moduli, which must be accounted for in the calculation. The mean coil diameter D affects the overall geometry of the spring and, combined with the number of active coils N, determines the spring’s ability to deform under load. By carefully selecting these parameters, you can design a spring with a specific spring constant that meets the load requirements of your application.

    2. Calculate Maximum Load (ML)

    Once the spring constant is determined, the next step is to calculate the maximum load capacity, which is the maximum force the spring can handle before reaching its solid height or before the material yields. The solid height is the height of the spring when it is fully compressed, with all coils touching. At this point, any additional force can cause the spring to deform permanently or break, so it is crucial to understand the maximum load capacity to avoid these situations.

    The maximum load capacity can be calculated using:

    ML = k × MT


    • ML​ = Maximum load capacity (lb)

    • MT = Maximum travel, deflection or displacement (inches)

    The maximum deflection MT is the distance the spring can compress or extend before reaching its solid height or maximum length. This deflection is typically determined by the spring’s geometry and the physical space in which it operates. For example, in a compression spring, MT is the difference between the free length (the length of the spring in its uncompressed state) and the solid height. By multiplying the spring constant k by the maximum deflection, you can determine the maximum load ML​ that the spring can support without failing.

    It is important to note that the maximum load should never exceed the material's yield strength, which is the point at which the material begins to deform elastically. If the spring is subjected to forces greater than its yield strength, it will not return to its original shape, rendering it ineffective. Therefore, it is essential to verify that the calculated maximum load does not surpass the material’s limits.

    3. Factor in Safety Margin

    In engineering and design, incorporating a safety margin is a standard practice to account for unexpected conditions, material inconsistencies, and uncertainties in the load assumptions. A safety margin is an additional factor applied to the calculated load capacity to ensure that the spring can handle more than the expected maximum load without failing. This margin provides a buffer against unforeseen stresses and helps to extend the life of the spring.

    A good approach is to design the spring to handle 20% to 50% more load than the anticipated maximum load. This safety margin is typically determined based on the criticality of the application, the consequences of failure, and the variability of the loading conditions. For example, in critical applications such as aerospace or medical devices, a higher safety margin may be necessary to ensure absolute reliability. In less critical applications, a lower safety margin might be acceptable. A good rule of thumb is that you use NO MORE than 80% percent of the maximum spring force of any spring design so you will always have a safety margin cushion of 20% conservativeness. 

    To incorporate a safety margin, you can simply multiply the calculated maximum load by a factor less than 1 (for example, 0.8 for a 20% safety margin). This adjusted load capacity will be your design load, which ensures that the spring will perform reliably under all expected conditions.

    Example Calculation

    Let’s delve into a practical example to illustrate how to calculate the load capacity of a spring. For this example, we’ll use the dimensions of Part Number AC060-500-11000-MW-1620-C-N-IN:

    Given Parameters:

    • Material: Music Wire ASTM A228

    • Wire diameter (d): 0.060 inches

    • Mean coil diameter (D): 0.440 inch

    • Number of active coils (N): 9

    • Shear modulus (G): 11,492,970.929 psi

    • Maximum deflection (MT​): 0.900 inches

    Step 1: Calculate the Spring Constant (k)

    The spring constant k for a helical compression spring is calculated using the formula:

     k = Gd^4 ÷ (8D^3 * n)

    Substitute the given values into the formula:

    k = 11,492,970.929 × (0.060)^4 ÷ 8 × (0.440)^3 × 9

    Let's calculate this step-by-step:

    1. Calculate d^4:

    d^4 = (0.060)^4 = 0.00001296

    1. Calculate D^3:

    D^3  = (0.440)^3 = 0.085184

    1. Calculate the numerator G×d^4:

    Numerator = 11,492,970.929 × 0.00001296 = 148.94890323984

    1. Calculate the denominator 8×D3×N8:

    Denominator = 8 × 0.085184 × 9 =  6.133248

    1. Calculate the spring constant k:

    k = 148.94890323984 ÷ 6.133248 ≈  24.2854 lb/in

    So, the spring constant k is approximately 24.2854 lb/in.

    Step 2: Calculate Maximum Load (ML​)

    Next, calculate the maximum load capacity using the formula:

    ML = k × MT​

    Substitute the values:

    ML = 24.2854 lb/in × 0.900 = 21.85 lb

    So, the maximum load capacity ML​ is approximately 21.85 pounds.


    For the given compression spring with the provided dimensions and material properties, the spring constant is approximately 24.2854 lb/in, and the maximum load capacity is approximately 21.85 pounds. This means the spring can safely support a load of up to 21.85 pounds before reaching its maximum deflection of 0.900 inches.

    Step 3: Apply a safety margin of 25%:

    ML safe = 21.85 × 0.75 ≈ 16.38 lb

    With a 25% safety margin, the spring should be used in applications where the maximum expected load does not exceed approximately 16.38 pounds. This ensures that the spring will operate within safe limits, reducing the risk of failure due to unforeseen stresses.

    Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Load Capacity Selection

    When selecting springs for any application, several common pitfalls can lead to improper load capacity calculation and, ultimately, spring failure. These pitfalls are often the result of overlooking critical factors such as small spring index issues, or improving the spring design by adding more coils for increased life expectancy. To ensure the longevity and reliability of your spring design, it’s essential to be aware of these pitfalls and take proactive steps to avoid them.

    1. Re-Examine the Springs Index

    A great spring design has a spring index of between 8 and 13. If you can redesign your spring to have a spring index of between 8 and 13 to 1 spring index your spring will have a lot more cycles of spring life and last for many years.

    2. Re-Adjust the springs number of coils

    The more coils a spring has reduces the elastic stress on the spring thus offering a longer spring life.

    3. Ignoring Material Properties

    Different spring materials have distinct mechanical properties,including tensile strength, elasticity, and corrosion resistance. For example, music wire, stainless steel, and phosphor bronze are all commonly used in spring manufacturing, but each material offers different advantages and limitations. Music wire, known for its high tensile strength, is ideal for applications requiring high-stress tolerance, but it is not corrosion-resistant. Stainless steel, on the other hand, offers excellent corrosion resistance, making it suitable for environments where moisture or chemicals are present, but it may have a lower load capacity compared to music wire.

    Ignoring these material properties can lead to selecting a spring that is either too weak for the load it will bear or too susceptible to environmental degradation. To avoid this, always consider the specific requirements of your application when choosing a material. This includes the operating environment, the expected load, and the required lifespan of the spring. By carefully matching the material properties to the application, you can ensure that the spring will perform reliably under all conditions.

    4. Overlooking Temperature Effects

    Temperature variations can have a significant impact on the material properties of a spring and, consequently, on its load capacity. High temperatures can cause the material to soften, reducing its yield strength and making it more prone to deformation under load. Conversely, low temperatures can increase the brittleness of the material, making it more susceptible to fracture under sudden loads.

    When designing a spring for an application where temperature fluctuations are expected, it’s important to account for these effects in your load capacity calculations. This may involve selecting a material with better high-temperature resistance, or adjusting the safety margin to account for the reduced load capacity at elevated temperatures. Neglecting to consider temperature effects can lead to premature failure, especially in high-stakes applications such as aerospace, automotive, or industrial machinery.

    5. Neglecting Fatigue Life

    Fatigue is a phenomenon that occurs when a material is subjected to repeated cyclic loading, leading to the gradual accumulation of microscopic damage over time. This damage can eventually lead to the formation of cracks and, ultimately, to material failure. In springs, fatigue life is a critical factor to consider, especially in applications where the spring will undergo millions of cycles during its service life.

    To avoid fatigue-related failures, it’s essential to design the spring with a load capacity that takes into account the expected number of cycles. This may involve selecting a material with high fatigue resistance, such as music wire or stainless steel, or designing the spring with a lower stress level to extend its fatigue life. Additionally, surface treatments such as shot peening can be applied to increase the fatigue strength of the spring. Neglecting to consider fatigue life can result in unexpected failures, even if the spring operates within its load capacity under static conditions.

    Testing Load Capacity with Acxess Spring’s Tools

    Once you’ve calculated the load capacity and selected the appropriate spring for your application, it’s crucial to validate your design through testing. Testing allows you to verify that the spring will perform as expected under real-world conditions and provides an opportunity to identify any potential issues before they lead to failure. Acxess Spring offers a suite of advanced tools to help you test and refine your spring designs, ensuring that they meet your exact requirements.

    1. 3D CAD Models

    3D CAD (Computer-Aided Design) models are powerful tools that enable you to create a virtual representation of your spring design. These models allow you to visualize the spring, providing valuable insights into how the spring will behave in its intended application. 

    With Acxess Spring’s 3D CAD’s, you can experiment with different design parameters, such as free length, wire diameter, and the number of total coils, to optimize the load capacity and performance of your spring. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures that the final product will meet the necessary specifications and perform reliably in the field.

    2. 3D Blueprints

    In addition to 3D CAD models, 3D blueprints provide a detailed view of your spring design, including all critical dimensions, tolerances, and material specifications. These blueprints serve as the foundation for manufacturing the spring and ensure that it meets the required standards for your application. By providing a comprehensive visual and technical representation of the spring, 3D blueprints help to eliminate ambiguities in the design process, reducing the risk of errors during production.

    Acxess Spring’s 3D blueprints allow you to generate precise and accurate representations of your spring design, which can be used to communicate specifications to manufacturers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. This ensures that the spring will be produced exactly as intended, with the correct load capacity and material properties.

    3. Online Spring Force Tester

    The Online Spring Force Tester is a unique tool offered by Acxess Spring that allows you to input your spring’s specifications and calculate the force exerted by the spring at various levels of deflection. This tool is particularly valuable for validating the load capacity of your spring design before committing to physical prototypes. By using the Online Spring Force Tester, you can simulate how the spring will perform under different loads and deflections, ensuring that it will meet the required specifications.

    This tool is easy to use and accessible from anywhere, making it an ideal resource for both professional engineers and DIY enthusiasts. Whether you’re designing a new spring or testing an existing one, the Online Spring Force Tester provides an accurate and reliable method for determining load capacity, helping you avoid costly mistakes and ensuring the success of your project.

    Instant Spring Quote for Custom Designs

    While standard springs are available in a wide range of sizes and load capacities, they may not always meet the specific needs of your project. Custom spring designs offer the flexibility to tailor the load capacity, material, and dimensions to your exact requirements, ensuring that the spring will perform optimally in its intended application. At Acxess Spring, we specialize in custom spring designs that are precisely engineered to meet your unique needs.

    One of the challenges with custom springs is the time and cost associated with the design and manufacturing process. However, Acxess Spring’s Instant Spring Quote tool makes this process fast, efficient, and affordable. This online tool allows you to input your design specifications and receive an immediate quote for your custom spring, complete with options for 3D CAD models and 3D blueprints.

    The Instant Spring Quote tool not only speeds up the design process but also enables you to experiment with different designs and load capacities in real time. This allows you to compare options and select the best possible spring for your application, all without the need for extensive back-and-forth communication or lengthy design iterations. Whether you’re an engineer working on a tight deadline or a DIY enthusiast looking for a cost-effective solution, the Instant Spring Quote tool makes custom spring design accessible to everyone.